The True Definition of Success
I’ve had a big problem with American society since about the time I learned to spell the word society.
There is this immense pressure placed on us all to be in school for the first 30% of our lives, then spend the rest of our earthly eternity working towards the most successful life possible.
According to the societal standard, this is determined by where your degree is from, what job you obtain, what your salary is, and what your relationship status happens to be.
Wow…why? How did we get here? Why are these the baromoters we use to measure success? Why is success such a tight little box that only a fraction of our population could even achieve?
No. I’m sorry. That may be your definition of success, but it’s not mine.
I want to redefine success into a healthier mental framework:
Success isn’t what you think
It’s not buying a house
It’s not the nice car
It’s not the spouse and kids and a dog
Success is
Having a roof over your head
Any roof
It’s having a car that runs
Or a bus pass that gets your prom point A to point B
It’s being surrounded by people who love you
It’s doing something you love
No matter how much money is in it or not
It’s living a life that makes you feel alive
Not living someone else’s dream
Not achieving for the sake of applause
Not striving to climb a corporate ladder for a company that leaves you depressed and defeated at the end of every day
Don’t let society or social media define success
Success is being happy, content, and alive
Success is living a life you love
Many people with all the nicest things
Still hate their life.
Be successful. Love who you are right where you’re at. That’s true success.
Let’s redefine it together.